一日六餐, 家常小菜, 0 comments


Yotam Ottolenghi是位我非常敬佩的廚師。雖然我沒有去過他的餐廳,但擁有他的烹飪書。今晚做這個,正好用了夏天最合時的蔬菜。只吃這個已經很滿足。也可以另外煎一塊魚或者什麼的給食肉獸們。



  • 茄子放點油跟鹽拌勻,用airfryer焗好。
  • 另外多放了洋蔥,蒜蓉,capers。我覺得如果再放點anchovies會好棒,不過就不是素了。
  • 既然茄子已經被焗熟了,就把其他所有的煮好才放。我不喜歡茄子煮到太爛。
  • 香草只用了手上有的乾香草Italian mix。


  • 想保持清新感,就不放芝士了。用攪拌棒把玉米攪爛之後,放了些polenta cornmeal,份量大概是玉米漿的1/6,煮滾後一同慢煮15分鐘。就可以代替芝士做到creamy感。


This polenta, made of real corn, is nothing like the one made of ground cornmeal. It is sweeter, softer and less uniform. In fact, it is so sweet you need to balance it with lots of savoury stuff, hence the feta. Choose young, pale corn cobs, because they give the best flavour and a light consistency. Serves four.

6 corn ears (560g scraped kernels)
500ml water
40g butter
200g feta, crumbled
½ tsp salt
Freshly ground black pepper

For the aubergine sauce

150ml vegetable oil
1 medium aubergine, in 2cm dice
2 tsp tomato paste
60ml white wine
200g chopped peeled tomatoes (fresh or tinned)
100ml water
½ tsp salt
½ tsp sugar
1 tbsp chopped oregano, plus whole leaves to garnish

First make the sauce. Heat the oil in a large pan, then fry the aubergine on medium heat for 15 minutes, until nicely browned. Drain and discard as much oil as you can. Stir in the tomato paste, and cook for two minutes on medium heat. Add the wine and cook for another minute. Add the tomatoes, water, salt, sugar and oregano, and cook for five minutes, to get a deep flavoured sauce. Set aside.

To make the polenta, chop the very top and bottom off every corn ear. Stand the ear on its base, and use a sharp knife to shave off the kernels. Place the kernels in a medium-sized saucepan and pour in the water, to cover. Add half the butter and cook on a low simmer for 12 minutes. Lift out the kernels with a slotted spoon, and transfer to a food processor. Process for quite a few minutes, to break as much of the kernel case as possible. If the mixture is too dry to process, add a little of the cooking water.

Return the corn paste to the water pan and, over low heat and stirring all the while, cook again for about 10-15 minutes, or until the mixture thickens to the consistency of mashed potato. Now fold in the remaining butter, feta, salt and pepper, and cook for two minutes longer. Taste and add more salt if needed.

Divide the polenta into shallow bowls and spoon some warm sauce in the centre. Garnish the aubergine sauce with picked oregano leaves and serve hot.

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